Thursday, February 21, 2008

Who is the sexiest woman known to the greater masses

Every man has taken part in the sexiest women alive debate. This topic has been covered throughout history and in every mass media median imaginable. Left out of these discussions are the everyday women walking our streets who do not have the luxury of having the world’s best make-up/hair artists at their fingertips, nor the pockets books to purchase those $10,000 dollar dresses routinely gracing the red carpet. To those women I apologize. The women we routinely discuss are nothing more then works of art. No different then those works of art hanging from our walls. They are a culmination of money, time, talent, and most often plastic surgery. But like a work of art, we must take time to appreciate them.

What we are talking about is sexiness. Not beauty. Huge different. Charlize Theron is one of the most beautiful women alive, but definitely not the sexiest. Sexiness is recognized world wide and found in every ethnicity. Sexiness is undeniable. But, to be completely honest, most often dominating these lists are those women hailing from the more exotic corners of the land such as Brazil, Spain, Mexico, etc. etc. Plainly put, Latina’s. My apologizies to those woman that may be of the caucasian persuasion or of some alternative none exotic heritage. So recognizing that each is their own I have added women of all ethnicities currently gracing our television screens. Also, my apologies to those women left off of the list. Unfortunately, there are so many sexy women and so little space on this blog. So you tell me, who is the SEXIEST WOMEN ALIVE by voting in the survey to the right of this page. Which of these women deserve "The mans world" sexiest woman title.

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