Monday, February 4, 2008

Message from Barack Obama

nathan --

Tomorrow is Primary Day in California, and I'm writing to you with an important reminder to vote and to make sure that your family, friends, and neighbors get out and vote too.
Use our online tool to find your polling location:
When Michelle and I talked about my running for president, one of the core goals we both had for this campaign was to leave the political process better off than we found it.
You have challenged conventional thinking and built a grassroots movement for change that is sweeping this country.
I have no doubt that the election tomorrow will be close. It's vitally important that you vote and ensure that others who want change in this country vote too.
Our work here will have a lasting impact in California for a long time to come.
I believe that this movement for change can do more than just win an election. Together, we can transform this country.
Find your polling location and vote tomorrow:
Thank you for being part of this,
P.S. -- Here are a few details and rules that will help make the voting process run smoothly. Make sure to share these with your friends:
Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to at least 8:00 p.m. Anyone in line at the time the polls close is allowed to vote.
Voters have the right to cast a provisional ballot even if their name is not listed on the voting rolls. If a voter is at the wrong polling location and has time to get to the correct polling location before polls close at 8:00 p.m., they should go to the correct one and vote with a regular ballot instead of voting with a provisional ballot at the wrong location.
If you declined to select a political party when you registered to vote, you can still vote for Barack Obama if you request a Democratic ballot from the poll worker. Make sure you mark "Democratic" in the appropriate space or the vote might not be counted.
Voters have the right to return a completed vote-by-mail ballot to any precinct in their county.
If you have any difficulties, you can call the California Obama Election Protection Hotline:
LOS ANGELES: (310) 801-9546 or (310) 779-0816
SAN FRANCISCO/BAY AREA: (510) 520-5025
OAKLAND/EAST BAY: (415) 606-6043
SAN DIEGO: (619) 770-7105


Unknown said...

obama sounds like he's gonna make this a GODLESS country. can you live with that!!!!

Unknown said...
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Nathan Thorp said...

Thank you for responding to my post. I am glad to see you strongly support your faith. Although, Obama is actually a devout Christian and has been since the mid-eighties. Do your research.

As I always say. Do not believe everything you hear. Investigate. Research. Gather all available information, from as many different sources as possible. Once you have taken in a good deal of this information,use the brain god gave you and make a determination on your own. Make a deciscion based on knowledge, not ignorance. Anything you read, you must always consider the source.